Tokyo Mew Mew Chapter 4 Disclaimer: This translation is only allowed on Ichigo Nyan!, my site ( If you want to use it for your own, please e-mail me and I'll see what I can do for you. This translation is not to be used to make "scanlations"--it is accompanyment to the manga for English readers. It is also not to be sold for money and/or used for commercial use. Any corrections you can give me would help a whole lot. Key: *sounds/actions/onomatopoeia* [translation notes by me] (thoughts) -asides- [Realise that my Japanese sucks ass! I'm only in my first year, and I have to use two sites and my boyfriend to get it all done even anything close to right. I generally guess at some things, and I probably have all the onomatopoeia (sound effects) fucked up. But you can get the jist, yup?] [I own the tankouban, not the Nakayoshi chapters. So my page counts are the counts that are in my book. React accordingly.] [Names are written Japanese style with the last name first. Since this is the order used in the manga, I keep it that way.] translated by Nethilia *~*~* p. 131 Ichigo: Retasu... why... *flash!* p. 132 Minto: way... this girl is... Ichigo: Our comrade... p. 133 Retasu: Lettuce Castanets! *glow* Ichigo: A-! Retasu: Ribbon Lettuce Rush! *whoosh* p. 134 *hit!* Minto: Kyaaa! Ichigo: Minto! (Why? She should be a comrade... Why is she attacking?) Retasu: It's your turn, is it not? Ichigo: (Why?) A-- p. 135 Ichigo: Stop, Retasu! Retasu: Ribbon Lettuce Rush! *Swoosh* Ichigo: Kyaaa! *jumping around* Retasu: You won't get away next time... Ichigo: (What...What can I do? It took a lot to find this teammate...) (but it's no use!) *grab* Ribbon... p. 136 Ichigo: Re...tasu? (It can't be...she...) scared, aren't you?! You're truely scared!! You can't tell if this is good and it's scaring you! That's the facts, aren't they!! p. 137 Retasu: Stop... Ichigo: I won't stop! Retasu, you're a good and gentle girl! I know this! I...I know this! I'm sure that you're a good girl! Retasu: It's too much! It's just too much! Ichigo: (Retasu...) I was in the middle of getting along with everyone... And then one day I was infused with this strange body... p. 138 Retasu: My whole life, things have stopped me from making friends... Ichigo: (Retasu...) Friends...How... Retasu: I will keep trying. Ichigo: (Retasu...) Minto: It's okay. You've had it rough too, yes? Fortunately, I and the other girl aren't hurt too badly... Everyone thinks that this is a spirit... So this is good... Ichigo: It is not good!! p. 139 Minto: Ichigo? *jingle* There's no good excuse to hurt someone. That's why we can't just let her go. To fully show my gratitude... Minto: Ichigo!! p. 140 Ichigo: I'll give you service, nyan! *tickle tickle tickle tickle* *squeal* Retasu: Kyaaaa! Minto: ?! Retasu: St--stop! -Kyahaha!- Ichigo: I won't, nyan *heart* Can't you tell me that you have friends nyan!? *tickle tickle tickle* Minto: I get it... -That's her idea!- p. 141 Ichigo: We were friends long ago nyan *heart* Minto: So, that's a fact! Retasu: Yes! I won't say that anymore! I'm sorry Ichigo...Minto...! Shirogane: Midorikawa Retasu was very insecure... So the power made her change in a completely diferent way... That's the method you had to use. -Minto: I'm jumping in too!- -*splash*- -Ichigo: Kya! Why are you attacking me, Minto!!- Shirogane: Momomiya Ichigo... She definately did it. Right, R-2000? p. 142 Ichigo: Waa, cute! Minto: It suits you very well. Retasu: I-is that so? Minto: Except for me, you're the cutest! Ichigo: ... Shirogane: now, this place looks more refined. Minto: Before you came, a very common person stuck out a lot! Ichigo: WHAT!! -You mean me, don't you?!- Minto: Hey? Ryou? What type of genes were put in Retasu's body? Shirogane: Finless porpoise. p. 143 -Finless porpoise?- Ichigo: It matches... Minto: It matches too well... Retasu: I-is that so? *drop* *Thunk!* *rolling* Akasaka: It's heavy, yes? Minto: It only fell on the little toe... Ichigo: Shi-Shirogane! Retasu: s-sorry! Sorry! *bowiing profusely* Shirogane: *turn* Retasu... p. 144 Shirogane: Do your best, okay? *hobbling away* Retasu: Y-yes! Ichigo: (That jerk Shirogane is unexpectedly nice.) ... Minto: Time to start working! Ichigo: Welcome! Retasu: Ichigo: It's okay to not overdo it from the start. Minto: For now, lay out the silverware please. *Crash!* -Retasu: Kya! It spilled!- -A!- -A...what's this?- Ichigo: Welcome! May I take your order? *kaboom!* -Retasu: I'm setting up!- -Ahii!- -Hiii!- -Kya!- p. 145 Minto: Retasu!! Retasu: *turn* Hai! -Person: Hii!- Ichigo: WHOA! take orders, Yah! Take orders! -That's better than carrying things!- Retasu: E! But... That's advanced work... Ichigo: No, It's perfect for you! -Mebbe.- Minto: Just say "Welcome" and take their order. Retasu: O-okay. I'll try my best! *totter* *grin* We... -Person: ...- *sigh* Person: What's this? -Shouldn't you take my order?- Minto: Ichigo, er... Ichigo: Uh-oh... -This is bad...- *gathering courage* p. 146 Retasu: WELCOME! *confident* W-what is your order? -Person 1: Tart Tatan and milk tea.- -Person 2: Brownie and cinnamon tea.- -Retasu: Okay, okay.- Ichigo: (you did it, Retasu!) (I must do my best too!) Welcome! p 147 Voice: There are people who are hindering our plan. Cloaked figure: Leave it to me please. I will start an investigation at once... Ichigo: Waa! Look look! -Cute!- Ichigo: (I'm so glad-- that I invited Aoyama-kun!) Hey they're cute, aren't they Aoyama-kun? Aoyama: Erm, ah, yeah. Ichigo: (Hmm? Aoyama-kun's acting different today. He's not as perky as normal.) (Did I do something?) -Hmm?- *shakes head* That's right! Over there is the Nocturnal Animal House. (It's just in my mind, yes? For now we'll go somewhere interesting.) Let's go, Aoyama-kun! Waa... It's like it's really nighttime, yes? Aoyama: It is, yes? Ichigo: (Hmm? Aoyama-kun... He's being very cold...) (Something's wrong... even a little scary...) Hey, Aoyama-kun? Hmm? Aoyama-kun? Where are you, Aoyama-kun? (He--he left?) *whimper* (It can't be...) p. 150 Aoyama: Ichigo!! ...I thought I'd lost you. p. 151 Aoyama: Well, let's go. Ichigo: E? U-Um... Aoyama-kun... (Is he upset?) My hand... -you still have it...?- *grip* Ichigo: !? Aoyama: It's so you won't wander off. p. 152 Ichigo: (Aoyama-kun...) (He's really different...) (Now what's he thinking about?) (What's his face doing?) (Oh, Aoyama-kun, let me know...) Ah...the exit... Ah! That's right! my hand! *break away* Aoyama: I-I'm sorry. Did I hurt you? Ichigo: N-no, it's fine! p. 153 Aoyama: I was worried... That's why I held you so tightly. Ichigo: (Aoyama-kun was worried?) Aoyama: I'm sorry. Ichigo: (That means...that means...) Ah, it's okay. (That means Aoyama-kun as well...?) Voice: COME HERE AND SEE! p. 154 Girl 3: You can thank me after you've seen it, na no da! [yup, the 'no da' is here to stay!] Ichigo: Th--that girl... -Girl 3: I train monkeys, na no da!- -I'll turn it at lot more than before, no da!- -There's more, no da!- -I'll roll around, no da!- -I'm balancing on a ball no da!- -I jump, no da!- Ichigo: That time at the museum... *land* p. 155 Such a wonder performance deserves 1000 yen, na no da! *heart* 1000 yen, 1000 yen, 1000 yen, 1000 yen! Ichigo: J-just a second... Asking for something like that all of a sudden... Girl 3: T-that bad? *whimper* Ichigo: Ah.... p. 156 Girl 3: *sniffle sniffle* I put all my effort into it, no da, -Monkey: *Sympathetic tears*- I thought it would make you happy, no da, And I was in such a good mood too, no da... -Ichigo: Hey!- Ichigo: Um... *tearing up* Hey, stop crying. I'll give you this! *turn* Girl 3: Thank you, na no da! Ichigo: See you later! Girl 3: H-how many, na na da? -Arrow: candy balls- This isn't money no da! *determined* p. 157 Ichigo: A-Aoyama-kun, I'm gonna buy juice, okay? Wait here. Aoyama: Okay. Ichigo: Waii! *relief* (I'm so glad! Aoyama-kun doesn't hate me *heart*) *skipping along* (And there's Aoyama-kun's words!) Aoyama: I was nervous... Ichigo: That's what he meant... *sigh* Voice: What meaning, na no da? p. 158 Girl 3: I found you, no da!! -Arrow: Mask- -*pop*- Ichigo: UWAA! (A...she scared me... I though it was a new Chimera Anima.) -*panting*- -Girl 3:....- What's wrong? -Is something the matter?- Girl 3: Your ears, na no da. Ichigo: E? Girl 3: Big sister is super cool, no da!! [As I said before, there is no blood relation between these two. It's just a Japanese formality to call someone older than you (but younger that your parents) 'big brother' or 'big sister'.] Cat ears pop out, no da! It's so cool, no da! Ichigo: (Sh--she saw! -Oh no!-) J-just a second! Girl 3: Cat! Cat! Cat! Cat! Ichigo: (Th-this is bad! This is extremely bad!) p. 159 Voice: What's this about a cat? Ichigo: E? Shadowy Figure: When I discovered someone was interfering with our plan... I never expected one to be a cute girl... Ichigo: Who!? *tense* *cover* Kya! Wh- -At the bottom of the page: Appeared in Nakayoshi issues Sept-Dec 2000- p. 160 [Ichigo getting snogged!] p. 161 Person: My name is Kissu. First of all, thank you for such a tasty feast. [This is what you say after eating. To say it after a kiss is nothing short of arrogant.] To be continued in Volume #2 *~*~* p. 162 Masha's Tokyo Mew Mew Red Data Files What are Red Data Animals? --Animals of the world that are in danger of becoming extinct. Now, the facts are that 2580 creatures in the world are this way. A major source of this is man's overfishing (excessivly capturing large quantities) and enviroment destruction. So, everyone has the power to stop animal extinction! File 3: Finless Porpoise Size: From Head to tail, lenght is about 150 centimeters, with a body weight of about 40 kilos. Where they live: Near the Iranian and Japanese seas (The Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean) and rivers. If you look past the face they are quite charming (the finless porpoise) and were discovered in 1930 and were designated as a natural monument by the country. They travel in packs and have a tendency to sing. They can live off their own body fat and as a result don't need a lot of food. It is illegal to catch them everywhere due to their low and decreasing numbers. *~*~* To help show what the crisis of extinction is doing, Ichigo and the others each have the genetic power of a certain animal. Iriomote Cat -> Ichigo Tahitian Lori -> Minto Finless Porpoise -> Retasu The other two people will be introduced in Volume Two. Each of the genes that were injected into us make us five people you should notice!